Welcome to IDS Financial Services Private Limited

Mon - Fri: 9:30 - 6:00

Sat: 9:30 - 5:30

Sunday - Closed

Muniappa Street, kondithope

Chennai - 600001



Rate of Interest & Schedule of Charges

Secured Loan

We extend secured loans for tenors up to 7 years. The flat rates of interest range from 11% to 24% depending on the tenor of the loan. The Processing Fee shall depend on the loan amount and the type of customer (whether new or repeat)

Unsecured Loan

We extend unsecured loans for tenors up to 4 years. The flat rates of interest range from 14.4% to 27% depending on the tenor of the loan. The Processing Fee shall depend on the loan amount and the type of customer (whether new or repeat). At present 3% processing fee on the loan amount.

Other Charges
Legal fees & inspection charges:

Legal fees for scrutinizing the title deeds and other annexures from customers shall be levied as follows:

  1. Rs. 1000/- per case; but where additional loan is taken on the same property without any change in the legal status of the property, no legal fees shall be levied.
  2. Rs. 500/- per case towards site inspection charges;
Pre-closure Charges:

The Pre-closure charges depend on the time in which a loan is pre-closed as compared to the original loan tenor. The exact schedule of charges on account of pre-closure would be as per the loan agreement.

Cheque & ECS Return Charges

Cheque or ECS return for any reason Rs.500 charged as cheque return charges per occasion

Penal Interest:

Penal Interest for delayed payment shall be collected @ 3% per month for number of days delayed in payment of each EMI amount. A grace period of 3 days is allowed for each EMI. However when EMI is received beyond 3 days Penal Interest shall be collected including the grace days.

Service Tax

All the charges will attract 18% GST as per prevailing rate notified by government.